The Honey Hunter

26’ TV special based on the book by Karthika Naïr and Joëlle Jolivet published by Helium
In coproduction with KMBO production


A modern-day fable, teaching children to respect and appreciate nature, with lavish illustrations and empathetic language.
The story of the honey hunter begins in Sundarban, a land of eighteen tides and six seasons, where three rivers meet in a huge mangrove forest. At first, everything is peaceful for the thousands of honeybees that live there, not far from the Bay of Bengal. They fly from flower to flower, collecting nectar, and supplying people and animals with their sweet, liquid gold. Everyone who lives in Sundarban loves honey, especially one little boy… the small dark-haired Shonu.
One year, the seasons in Sundarban get mixed up and the region is plagued by powerful cyclones, followed by a drought and hunger. Shonu is so unbelievably hungry that he sneaks into the mangrove forest and breaks the golden rule… He takes honey from the hives even though it is not harvest time. Shonu doesn’t realise quite how much trouble he could get into with the almighty demon tiger…
A modern fairytale about what can happen when someone interferes with nature’s rhythm.